Whiteboard: Byte 81 last revised by on Aug 17, 2005 2:20 am

In 1981 there was an issue of Byte devoted to Smalltalk (SmallTalk). It was influential and gave many people their first look at Smalltalk-80. The issue has long since gone out of print, but some of the articles have been archived on the web.


*Design Principles Behind Smalltalk *, by Dan Ingalls, as it appeared in BYTE Magazine in August 1981. (Thanks to Dwight Hughes putting this on the web.) 2.

An object lesson from Smalltalk --- Smalltalk: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by Adele Goldberg and L. Peter Deutsch August 1991 http://www.byte.com/art/9608/sec4/art1.htm 3.

The Smalltalk Environment by Larry Tesler August 1981 http://www.byte.com/art/9608/sec4/art3.htm